Saturday, July 9, 2011

One FUN day!

So today was absolutely AMAZING!  I took a day off and hung out at Lagoon with a roomie.  I have to admit that though I was terrified on some parts of the rides I had a blast!  I have never been an adventurous person, but moving has helped change that.  I have come to find that some things are not so bad when you actually try them and others are as bad as you thought. ;)  Anyways, I am enjoying coming out of my shell or expanding my horizons by enjoying life in a different way.  I am grateful for those who have helped me and continue to help me branch out and live life to the fullest.  As a little side note for those who work at Lagoon not a smart idea to have a stamp on everyones hand with an arrow under the words FUN SPOT.

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